Business LoanBoundary Lap

Business Loan Boundary Lap

Loan Category - Secured Loan

Loan Amount - 1 Lakh - 5Lakh

Loan Tenure - 1 Year - 2 years

Available loan amounts range from ₹1,00,000 to ₹5,00,000*, offering flexible financial solutions to meet your needs. With loan tenures from 12 to 24 months, you have the freedom to choose repayment terms that suit your financial planning.Valuation, Legal, Search, Land use, Vetting is required. However, Vetting is mandatory.Bureau Score -1 or>-650 or for co-applicants 0 & -1 allowed.No current overdue on any loan in last 12 reported months. Credit Card has an overdue, write off, suit filed/settled of<INR25,000. No write offs and settlement in last 24 months. Never >30 DPD in last 12 reported months in any relationship. Nil Bounce in last 6 Months. Max once in 1 to 29 DPD in PL unsecured relationship and max 2 times in 1 to 29 DPD in all relationship in last 12 reported months.App
. Minimum Age Norms- Main Applicant - Minimum Age 21 Years Co-applicant- Minimum Age 21 years. Maximum Age Norms- Main Applicant - Maximum Age 55 Years Co-applicant- Maximum Age 60. Co-Applicant Norms - Blood Relatives with proper relationship proof.